The Exciting life of a Poet
The purpose of this book is share with the world the story of a nine-year-old little girl who never felt like she fit anywhere in this world. She starts to write to express all that was being bottled up inside her with no one to share her inner most feelings and emotions. As she began writing for her grandmother, then she went on to writing in a diary like most young girls do. But as this young girl grew she started writing poetry. Poetry became her most talented gift of expression.
It is truly exciting to be a poet, BUT it is more exciting to hear the voice of her Abba Father, creator, Lord and King. There are many conversations between the writer and God the Father and it is expressed in her poetry and in many of her testimonies. Put on your virtual glasses and take a ride in the Spirit as you read and experience Hearing the Voice of God, The Exciting Life of a Poet.
Ivery Lee Savannah was the second child of five children born to Roy L and Irine C Savannah. There were four boys and Ivery born to this family. Roy moved his family from Shreveport Louisiana in the mid-fifties to Victorville, CA.
Join a young poet’s heartfelt journey as she discovers her voice and divine connection. Dive into Hearing the Voice of God for inspiration.